Prokids International Academy
Our goal at Prokids International is to prepare children for the next stage of their lives through the development of motor abilities, thinking skills and healthy interactions with their peers. Keep reading to learn more!

Putting Safety First
At Prokids International, we are dedicated to creating a nurturing, stimulating and welcoming environment for all children. Our unique programs incorporate a variety of educational theories, while always keeping the child’s best interest in mind and allowing for hands-on, experiential learning. To find out more about us, keep reading or feel free to get in touch.

This ancient tool of calculation has now become a Supplementary Education to strengthen children's skills for Fast and Accurate Math ability with enhancing and polishing the brain functions like Concentration, Visualisation, Focus, Listening, Analysing, Comprehending, Imagination, Retention, Memory, Perseverance, Creative Intelligence etc. One of the main benefits of Abacus is also learning the Brain gym. So the modern definition of abacus is changed to, ' A math tool for brain exercise"

D.M.I.T. Test
•Discover innate strengths and weakness
• Enhance learning experience by identifying learning styles
•Discover 8 multiple intelligences
• Minimize time & financial commitments on courses
•Improve family relationships
• Make academic and career choices easier
•Build confidence
•For recruiting purpose (right man on the right job)

better grades in tests and examinations.
higher self-confidence, since remembering facts and formulas will no longer be a problem.
reduced anxiety and frustration since learning is made easier.
reduced hours of mugging.
improved sleep quality.
improved social interaction.
You'll build discipline. Every new skill requires dedication and practice. ...
You'll use more of your brain power. ...
Your memory improves. ...
You'll start enjoying reading more. ...
You'll save time. ...
Productivity will be your new superpower.
Speed reading looks good on your resume.
Less eye strain.

Holding the Rubik's Cube, twisting and turning the parts, can help children of all ages grasp important math concepts including area, perimeter, volume, angles, algorithms and enumeration, among many other geometry and algebraic topics. Some teachers are even using the Rubik's Cube to teach life lessons and 21st
century skills such as focus, following directions, memorization, sequencing, problem solving, critical thinking, and perseverance.
Develops good handwriting in Kids.
Improves concentration in them.
Helps them to be more artistic and creative.
Increases their interest to further learn more styles in future.
It could be started as a hobby and further can even generate remuneration for assignments in certificate writing etc.

Handwriting allows for organized thoughts, authenticity, and even reading skills. Since the brain is consistently at work, it enhances both literacy and reading comprehension.
They help with balance.
They bring peace and tranquility.
Looking at them will give you a feeling of calmness.
They help with concentration.
They make it easier to be mindful.
Another thing thing they do is push aside thoughts and let your creativity flow.


Busy Kids = Happy Parents

Unique and Valuable

Contact Us
Head office :Shree Business Building, Tc College Road, Baramati - 413102
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:00 pm